Day 10 & 11 of my Devops Journey: Kubernetes Networking Fundamentals - Challenges and Solutions

Day 10 & 11 of my Devops Journey: Kubernetes Networking Fundamentals - Challenges and Solutions


2 min read


Hey everyone! Welcome back to Day 10 & 11 of my SRE and Cloud Security journey. Today, we dove deep into Kubernetes networking, and let me tell you, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. I encountered some real head-scratchers, but with persistence and a little help from the internet, I was able to overcome them. So, let's dive into the challenges I faced and the solutions I implemented!


  1. Setting Up Minikube: My first hurdle was getting Minikube running smoothly on my Windows machine. It felt like I was trying to fit a square peg into a round hole! I encountered errors and had to troubleshoot the installation process.

  2. Understanding the kubeconfig File: I had a bit of a moment of confusion when I realized I had multiple Kubernetes clusters configured in my kubeconfig file. Switching between them felt like navigating a maze!

  3. Connecting to the Right Cluster: The biggest challenge was figuring out how to connect to the correct Kubernetes cluster, especially since I had a mix of local and cloud-based clusters. It was like trying to find the right address in a city with confusing street signs.


  1. Minikube Setup: I carefully followed the Minikube installation guide for Windows, ensuring that Hyper-V (you can use Docker Desktop) was properly enabled. I also checked the Minikube logs for any error messages and addressed them accordingly.

  2. kubeconfig File Management: I learned how to use the kubectl config commands to list all the contexts in my kubeconfig file, identify the problematic ones, and delete them. I also learned to set the current-context to the cluster I wanted to work with.

  3. Connecting to the Correct Cluster: I used kubectl config use-context to switch to the docker-desktop context, which was the cluster I wanted to use for my Day 10 & 11 project. I also learned to verify the server address and other details in my kubeconfig file to ensure it was pointing to the correct cluster.


Day 10 & 11 was a rollercoaster ride of challenges and triumphs. I learned a lot about Kubernetes networking, the importance of managing your kubeconfig file, and the value of persistence in troubleshooting. I'm feeling more confident now, like I have a better understanding of the roads and traffic lights in my Kubernetes city!
