Zuri Internship - Backend Node.js Track: Handling Concurrent Requests with CORS (Beginner-Friendly Guide)


3 min read


This guide aims to walk beginners and intermediates through creating a simple Node.js server using the http module. The server will handle multiple concurrent requests, simulate asynchronous operations, and implement CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing). Additionally, an optional section demonstrates how to retrieve basic user information (CPU and OS) for a more comprehensive understanding.

Learning Objectives:

  • Use the http module to create a Node.js server.

  • Handle concurrent requests with non-blocking I/O.

  • Simulate asynchronous behavior using random delays.

  • Implement CORS to allow requests from different origins (if applicable).

  • Retrieve basic user information (CPU and OS) using the os module (optional).


  • Basic understanding of Node.js and JavaScript.

  • Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed on your system.

Step-by-Step Guide:

1. Project Setup:

  • Create a new directory for your project:

        mkdir node-server
        cd node-server
  • Initialize a new npm project:

        npm init -y

2. Install Dependencies:

  • We'll need the cors package to handle CORS:

        npm install cors

3. Create the Server Script:

  • Create a file named server.js.

4. Enable CORS (Optional):

  • By default, the provided code allows CORS for all origins. You can uncomment the following line in server.js to enable CORS:

        const app = cors();

5. Create the Server:

  • In server.js, add the following code to create a server using the http module:

        const http = require('http');
        const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
            // This function handles incoming requests

6. Simulate Asynchronous Operation:

  • Inside the server's request handler function (server.createServer((req, res) => { ... })), add code to simulate an asynchronous operation using a random delay:

        const delay = Math.random() * 1000; // Delay between 0 and 1 second

7. Respond After Delay:

  • Use setTimeout to schedule a response after the delay:

        setTimeout(() => {
            // Send response to the client here
        }, delay);

8. Send Response:

  • Inside the setTimeout function, set the response status code, content type, and send the response message:

        res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' });
        res.end('Server response after delay!');

9. Specify Port:

  • Define the port on which the server will listen. You can use an environment variable or a default port:

        const PORT = process.env.PORT || 8080;

10. Start the Server:

  • Start the server using server.listen and listen for incoming connections:

        server.listen(PORT, () => {
            console.log(`Server listening on port ${PORT}`);

11. Run the Server:

  • In your terminal, run the following command to start the server:

        node server.js

12. Test with CORS (Optional):

  • If you enabled CORS in step 4, you can test the server from a different domain using tools like Postman or curl.

13. Retrieve User Information (Optional):

  • You can optionally retrieve basic user information (CPU and OS) using the os module. Add the following code to server.js after the delay (setTimeout):

        const os = require('os');
        const cpuInfo = os.cpus()[0]; // Get first CPU information
        const osType = os.type(); // Get OS type
        const message = `Server response after delay! CPU: ${cpuInfo.model}, OS: ${osType}`;
    • Update the response message (res.end) to include the retrieved information.